Yield and bromatological composition of three Brachiaria varities in two areas of Ecuador

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J.J. Reyes Pérez
Y. Méndez Martínez
R. A. Luna Murillo
D. M. Verdecía
A. L. Espinoza Coronel
W.J. Pincay Ronquillo
K.A. Espinosa Cunuhay
R. K Macías Pettao
R.S. Herrera


Using a random block design with factorial arrangement (3x2) the
effect of the climatic area (Guayas and El Empalme) in the yield
components and bromatological composition of three Brachiaria
varieties (Decumbens, Brizantha and Mulato I) was studied. The
yields of total dry matter, biomass, leaves and stems, the plant
height, length and width of leaves, the contents of DM, CP, NDF,
ADF, ADL, cellulose (Cel), hemicellulose (Hcel), cellular content
(CC), P, Ca, ash, OM, DMD, OMD, ME, NFE and relations
leaf/stem, NDF/N and ADF/N were determined. Analysis of
variance was performed according to experimental design. There
was significant interaction (P <0.0001) between the varieties and
the area for some of the studied indicators. The highest yields of
total DM, leaves, stems and biomass were obtained in Mulato I in
El Empalme (1.32, 0.79, 0.53 and 5.08 t/ha, respectively P<0.001).
The CP was better in Mulato I in Guayas (13.08 %, P<0.001), the
cell wall components did not showed variety x area interaction,
with significant differences in terms of the varieties for NDF, CEL
and CC with the highest results for cv. Decumbens and Mulato I
(38.21, 17.26 and 64.22 %, respectively P< 0.05). While for the
area the highest percentages of ADF and ADL (20.12 and 3.47 %,
respectively P< 0.02) were for Guayas. In this research was showed
the effect of the climate factors and the variety on the yields and
some quality indicators were the best productive and morphological
performance in the higher rains area (El Empalme) was obtained,
while for the content of protein, minerals, ash, the relations
leaf/ stem and NDF/N was better for the one of lower rains (Guayas).
It is important to highlight that there were not differences between
the varieties for the cell wall components, ADF/N, digestibility and
energy contribution that is why their adaptability and potentialities
in different ecosystems is confirmed.

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How to Cite
Reyes Pérez, J., Méndez Martínez, Y., Luna Murillo, R. A., Verdecía, D. M., Espinoza Coronel, A. L., Pincay Ronquillo, W., Espinosa Cunuhay, K., Macías Pettao, R. K., & Herrera, R. (2020). Yield and bromatological composition of three Brachiaria varities in two areas of Ecuador. Cuban Journal of Agricultural Science, 54(3). Retrieved from https://www.cjascience.com/index.php/CJAS/article/view/967
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