Effect of micronized zeolite as an additive on production and egg quality in laying hens

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Bárbara Rodríguez
M. Valera
M. Castro


The effect of micronized zeolite as an additive for the production and egg quality in 89-week-old laying hens is determined. 240 White Leghorns L-33 hens were used for 10 weeks, distributed in four treatments, according to a completely randomized design, with 10 replications and six hens each. The treatments consisted of adding micronized zeolite to a control diet (corn-soybean) in the following proportions: T1) control diet without addition of zeolite, T2) control diet + 1 % addition of zeolite, T3) control diet + 1.5 % addition of zeolite and T4) control diet + 2 % addition of zeolite. Body weight, laying intensity, eggs per hen per week and feed conversion did not differ among treatments. However, with 2 % micronized zeolite, mass conversion was better than in the control (1.70 vs 1.86) and is closely related to the increase in egg weight (68.95 vs 66.89 g) compared to the diet without zeolite. Zeolite also had a positive effect on breaking strength compared to the control (37.92 vs 34.26 N), with no changes in color, albumen height and Haugh units. The results suggest using 2 % micronized zeolite as a dietary additive for 89-week-old laying hens, allowing for higher egg weight, better mass conversion, and resistance to breakage.

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How to Cite
Rodríguez, B., Valera, M., & Castro, M. (2024). Effect of micronized zeolite as an additive on production and egg quality in laying hens. Cuban Journal of Agricultural Science, 58, https://cu-id.com/1996/v58e13. Retrieved from https://www.cjascience.com/index.php/CJAS/article/view/1148
Animal Science


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