Computer system for the energy potential determination in pig’s enterprise

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O.G. Pérez-Acosta
A. Mejías


A computer system was developed to determine the energy potential in pig’s enterprise with the purpose of using the renewable energy sources. For their design, the IDE NetBeans, version 8.1 was selected as environment. A program named RESCE (renewable energy sources, clean environment) was generated to create hybrid systems, in which a priority order is establish respect to the residuals treatment. In a second phase, an estimate was made to determine the potential of electric energy generation with other sources. The use of this system allow the maximum exploitation of all natural resources, without damage the environment and it is consistent with the concept of circular economy. It is concluded that the program, in addition of allowing the computerization of the use of renewable energy sources in pig enterprise, speeds up decisions-making.

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How to Cite
Pérez-Acosta, O., & Mejías, A. (2024). Computer system for the energy potential determination in pig’s enterprise. Cuban Journal of Agricultural Science, 58, Retrieved from


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