Instructions to authors

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Editorial Board


The Cuban Journal of Agricultural Science appears every three months, as a continuous publication (January-March, April-June, July-September and Octuber-December), which closes the last day of each trimester. It is open access and it is published by the Editorial from the Institute of Animal Science, belonging to the Ministry of Higher Education, of the Republic of Cuba.

Its mission is to publish quality papers, which demonstrate technical and scientific developments, as well as theoretical and practical knowledge generated in the agricultural and livestock field. Its objective is to share, with the scientific community, research results developed in this specialty, mainly those that take place in tropical and subtropical areas.

The journal comprises the following topics, applied to the agricultural field: mathematics, economics, animal genetics, animal science (physiology, nutrition and management of ruminants and non-ruminants, microbiology and biotechnology), pastures, forages, and other plants used in livestock, rural development, environment, sustainable agricultural systems, knowledge management, technology transfer, technological innovation and extension processes.

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How to Cite
Board, E. (2020). Instructions to authors. Cuban Journal of Agricultural Science, 54(2). Retrieved from