Total weight of guinea pigs under feeding conditions with hydroponic green forage of barley, corn husk and concentrate

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Inés Maritza Aguilar Condori
Edwin Ismael Palza Chambe
Noemí Ana María Condor Lazo
DIrene Vilma Limache Ortiz
G. Argota Pérez


The total weight of guinea pigs under experimental conditions of feeding with hydroponic green forage of barley, corn husk and concentrate was analyzed. The study was performed in Santa Rosa farm, Tacna (Peru). A total of four treatments were established for the animal feeding T1) hydroponic green forage with free barley + limited concentrate, T2) hydroponic green forage with limited barley + free concentrate, T3) limited corn husk + free concentrate and T4) free corn husk + limited concentrate. The total weight was analyzed when the fourth week finish. The order was: T3=661.33±47.17 g > T2=644.77±17.23 g > T1=499.56±8.34 g > T4=474.33±7.68 g. T3 and T2 showed significant difference (p<0.05) compared to T1 and T4. The total weigh of guinea pigs was higher in the treatments with free concentrate.

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How to Cite
Aguilar Condori, I. M., Palza Chambe, E. I., Condor Lazo, N. A. M., Limache Ortiz, D. V., & Argota Pérez, G. (2024). Total weight of guinea pigs under feeding conditions with hydroponic green forage of barley, corn husk and concentrate. Cuban Journal of Agricultural Science, 58, Retrieved from
Animal Science


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